Monday, July 20, 2009

Chasing stars in the 3rd dimension.

Starchaser: The Legend of Orin

The titans went out for a 3D double feature on the weekend. Creature from the Black Lagoon (which I own and have seen a bunch of times, so I wont be reviewing it – even though its 5 stars.) and Starchaser.

I had never seen Starchaser, so I thought it would be cool to see in 3D. Before watching it I actually bought the DVD, just to have it cause it looked cool. And it is cool. Really cool!

I mean the 3D was neat – even though my eyes were sometimes seeing some ghosting, but all in all, it was really good.

The movie itself is pretty awesome. A lot of colour (that’s one way to get a good rating from me – colour), and a lot of fast paced action in a lot of different areas. It was kind of like Heavy Metal and Fire and Ice. Not rotoscoped but the humans looked like humans, not anime style or cartoony (by cartoony I mean batman animated style), and I like that form of animation. The characters were really cool too and I was hoping they had made figures…but I don’t think they have. It was that good! I would’ve gotten the figures in one second and had I seen it as a kid, I would’ve been dying for it!

They just don’t make em like this anymore…live action or animation.



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