Monday, July 27, 2009

Lilies of the Field.

Sidney Poitier stars as Homer Smith, a wanderer looking for work. He stumbles upon 5 German Nuns who ask him to help them build their chapel. He wants money, but they have none…but he has always wanted to make something. To build something that would be his own, so he decides to do it. Through his actions he unites the community and changes everyone’s lives.

That is it. That is the entire story. Nothing else happens, no surprises, nothing odd. But this movie was really amazing. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how everyone was affected. I said above that he changed everyone’s life. But I didn’t realize that until after my wife and I talked about the movie (something we do…we actually discuss movies after watching them to gain insight.)

The Head Sister is always thanking God, but in the end thanks Homer (she has changed her views, and believes that man is also important to thank). The big business man cracks down and donates bricks to the cause (expensive bricks, for free). The atheist cafĂ© owner comes to help, saying that it’s insurance in case there is a God. And all the poor people of the town help out too, so that their children will have a place to pray. Also, there is a priest that has to hold mass out of his trailer, but now has a place to hold it. Earlier in his life he had prayed for riches, and God gave him nothing…less than nothing, he is poor. But now has a place to call his own.

After Homer builds the chapel, he leaves and never comes back, but his legacy will live on in the town, not just in the chapel, but in the hearts of everyone there.



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