Friday, January 8, 2010

It's not really that complicated

You know what this blog needs? A review of a chick flick! Yes! It's all part of my master plan!...well...erm...not really. I was dragged to this movie, with the promise of a free dinner afterwards. So, off I went, because I don't know if you know this, but I am an absolute whore for a free dinner. I will subject myself to anything...for a free dinner. It doesn't even have to be chic...though I may rethink seeing a certain film if all I'm getting afterwards is Mickey D's.

Anyhow, enough about my gastronomic situation. We have a movie to review here, people! It's Complicated. Well, not that really. Meryl Streep was married to Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin cheated on her with Lake Bell (though if he was going to cheat on Meryl with someone, I would have hoped it would have been someone better looking...Meryl may be 60, but she's not a hideous 60...and Lake's skin resembles shoe leather). Anyhow, so now Alec is with Lake, but he's not happy, so years later he cheats on Lake...with Meryl. Then it becomes a classic "should I or shouldn't I" situation.

Now, this movie is supposed to be a comedy, but a lot of the humour seems to be of the "I'm older, but I'm still hip" variety. Such as older women talking about sex and giggling like children...or smoking pot and getting the giggles. Yes, yes, hilarious. Let me go out and inhale more wind from that brown paper bag I snuck in. There is one funny scene where Steve Martin accidently views Alec Baldwins genitals via web cam, unsuspectingly (Alec sneaks in au naturale while Meryl is in the john), but this has more to do with Martin's horrified reactions than the actual act.

I will say that this movie is watchable, that other than the somewhat sophmoric humour, it isn't a bad story, and the actors do their best with the material given to them. Alec Baldwin stood out for me, here's a guy who used to be a stud when he was younger, and even though he's older and far heavier, he still gives his all and strips down, and shows you his obese glory. It's nice to know that at least one Hollywood star can have faults, and not be ashamed of him (which is a contrast from a lot of his colleagues, who get surgery at the sign of a pimple...get your Hollywood star, now with 95 percent more plastic!)

Anyhow, this is a renter for sure, and only if your with someone who enjoys somewhat humourous situational comedy with older generation actors.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

I bid thee a fond affair.

- Stephenstein

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