Monday, March 8, 2010

There will be blood.

Blood Diamond.

Leo stars in this film about diamonds and how they are acquired. This movie pulls no punches and really gets down to the point. People are dying for these illegal diamonds. Why, because rich American girls want them on their finger. The company has tons of diamonds and can flood the market, but do that and you diminish the value of the diamonds. More supply, less demand, nobody wants plain rocks for rings do they.

One man (Solomon Vandy) finds a really big diamond and Leo wants it. Vandy just wants his son back so they team up in your basic Indiana Jones and sidekick fashion, only this time Leo is out for himself and they don’t really get along.

Nothing new in that department, Leo will come around (duh), but this isn’t really the point of this movie. This movie wants to show you a depiction of what is happening and what you may not know.

It was very powerful at parts and very violent (think Rambo 4) but it was a well made movie.

I also like the fact that the people are who they are. Leo may seem selfish – and he is, but he truly believes that finding the diamond will solve Vandy’s problems too. Not knowing that someone like Vandy only cares for his family and not in being rich.

See it.



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