Monday, April 5, 2010

Cheater cheater pumpkin eater.

You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man.

You can cheat an audience by having WC Fields not appear enough. This was better than Chickadee, but only because WC was in it more. Yet again they have gold in him, but they dropped the ball on story.

When WC is not on screen, this movie is very slow moving it seems (its only about 85 mins). But when WC is on, he is so funny.

The ping-pong game is worthy of note, and it’s hilarious. But the best part is where WC counts out money (he owes 10 bucks) and he seems to count out more than 10 and gives it to the patrons. They run off thinking they just cheated WC – they laugh “why should we give back his money, he wouldn’t for us, plus it was his fault he counted it wrong.” But when they actually count it out, they were short some!

WC accomplished this by folding every second one dollar bill, making it appear to be more! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!

Too bad there wasn’t more of that kind of stuff.



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